Focus One Design is pleased to offer a new system to accept all Invoices & Payments in a Simple, Easy & Convienient way, directly without leaving your computer or mobile device.
Mobile & Fully Responsive – Online Invoicing and payment options will be available, starting January 2013 ~ Send payments from your Mobile device and/or desktop computer. Payments from your end can be sent immediately, and depending on the payment method you choose, may be processed by Focus One Design almost automatically.
A NEW system is in place and all Invoices are now generated from within Focus One Design’s main website. Starting in January 2013, you will have the option to log-in to your private/secured area to view, print, and pay all invoices. A full archive or history of all invoices will also be kept.
Each Invoice payee has a secured and private section ~ your ‘secure account’ to view an Invoice, and make payments. Online payment options include Pay Pal, Credit Cards, Direct Bank account payments, Bank Transfers and/or cheque. Only paying by Cheque – no problem! Please go through the Online Invoice system and select your payment. A Cheque can still be processed as normal.
Focus One Design is very excited to bring these options to you, and is in the process of setting everyone up with their own ‘private area’ – to view all invoices from Focus One Design. Invoices as well, will be sent via e-mail. Focus One Design asks that you please use this wonderful system.