St. Mary’s Anglican Church

With Extra Special Thanks – Many thanks for your patience, skills, and effort in developing and maintaining St. Mary’s website. You have been most professional in your communication and ongoing dealings with several of our staff and we would be pleased to recommend your work to others. We wish you many blessings in your future…


The reviews that you did for us are Excellent. Thank you so much for your time with this. Much Appreciated. Leo Anto CEO Wondershare

St. Stephen’s Anglican Church

Thanks for all your help getting us out there over the last few years! Really. We couldn’t have done it without you. Every blessing on your ongoing work. Rev. Brian E. Pearson Rector St. Stephen’s Anglican Church Calgary, Alberta

The Calgary Cursillo Movement

The new Calgary Cursillo Movement website is a Great site. Love the vibrant colour … and the pix. Oddly, because of the vivid images, the site reminds us to go take a look (or a walk) outside now and then. Always good advice for people spending too much time online! Rev. Brian E. Pearson Rector…

Calgary Cursillo Movement

Recently our Diocese of Calgary Cursillo Website needed a re-development. Not only did Karen meet this request time-wise but she added a number of valuable features. She was ‘on time and on budget’ as they say. We are very impressed with the new and improved capabilities of our site. We (Calgary Cursillo) would recommend Focus…

Oaklands Chapel

Karen did a superb job in listening to our staff and designing an attractive layout for our website that exactly met our needs. Her ongoing support and obvious commitment to keeping the information on our site current has been very much appreciated by our congregation. We at Oaklands Chapel would very highly recommend her services…

Calgary Cursillo Newsletter

The Calgary Cursillo Movement plans for a newsletter every 6 months (fall and spring). Karen Orman at Focus One Design is given the data to produce a 4th Day Flyer. In a timely manner, a very professional newsletter was produced, one that the Calgary Cursillo Movement is extremely proud of. It is very well done…

Palliser International – Street Dog

Karen did an excellent job in designing and developing an attractive layout for our website that exactly met our needs. We would highly recommend her services to anyone, and are very happy with our new site. Well done, Karen! Bryce C. Palliser International Calgary, AB