St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, News

When Karen Orman redesigned our web site, the congregation was impressed with the immediacy and professionalism of its appearance. Due to new demands on his time, our newsletter layout person left his position. Karen took on the challenge and fulfilled any and all requests. The resulting new design in full colour is very inviting. As…

We Are The Living

I would like to add my praises to those of the other clients served by Karen. Karen has been most helpful in working out with me how to present on one site a huge variety of subject matter both current and historical, with many graphics. I am well pleased with the resulting appearance and with…

St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Victoria

Thank you to Karen Orman for all the work she put into designing our new St. Lukes website. Karen has a good eye for color, layout, and design and has used her skills well in creating our new site. Our new website includes many new features, lots more information, and gives a good sense of…

St. Stephen’s Anglican Chuch

We are delighted with the public profile we are achieving through our church web site. Many visitors and newcomers report that they found us and liked what they found – through the Internet. This is a credit to Karen Orman of Focus One Design, whose enthusiasm and technical know-how continue to serve our needs well.…

St. Barnabas Anglican Church

This letter is to say a special THANK YOU Karen Orman I apologize that it has taken me so long to write and tell you that you not only put St. Barnabas on a sound footing when you created our website but you have brought joy and pride in our hearts and to those who…

Holy Nativity Calgary

How amazingly wonderful our new website is!!! You are doing a fantastic job!! It is easy to get around in, is well laid out, and is creative. I love it!! You did do a wonderful job. Thank you again for the great job you are doing!!!! Rev. Betty Vaughan Priest Associate Holy Nativity Anglican Church…

Newsletter – Calgary Cursillo

EXCELLENT job, Karen. Absolutely first rate. Thank you very, very much. Our Saviour continues to bless the Calgary Cursillo Movement through you, Karen. May He, in turn, truly bless you – you deserve nothing but the best from Him. Don Bryant Communications Coordinator Calgary Cursillo Movement Calgary, Alberta