SEO, Web Development, Web Design, Karen Orman, Vancouver, Vancouver Island, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Alberta, Calgary, Marketing, Wordpress Expert, Drupal Expert, Facebook
Exciting times…Did You Know it is vitaly important to have a mobile presence online… Google says “More Internet searches take place on mobile devices than on computers over 10 countries in the world, including US and Japan” and has actually stopped indexing non-mobile friendly sites… – If YOU are seeing a decrease of visitors to…
200 times Thank You Focus One Design wishes to say a BIG Thank You to everyone who has Liked this FB page.. Keep it up, and let’s hope for another 200 more…
Happy to Announce an Amazing/NEW fresh, modern look to The Calgary Cursillo Movement website. Fully Responsive & Mobile compatible with, oh so many awesome features & functionality for 2016 and beyond… Not to be missed –
Happy to Announce an Amazing NEW, Complex & Fully Responsive & Mobile compatible website has been finalized for Southwyndhill – Mission’s Newest Townhome development project. All Created/Developed & Designed fully, by Focus One Design ( ~ Lots of amazing features, enhancements and advancements incorporated within. Site ~ Please feel free to get in touch with…
Yes, It’s True again… While Focus One Design Excels Excellence – We can also help your website, social networking sites, newsletters, or other marketing and online presence gain a valuable & professional, yet attractive means.. Engage your visitors & have them Interact with You. Here some amazing Facts – Did you know in 2015, there…
Very Happy to Announce an Amazing NEW, Complex & Fully Responsive & Mobile compatible ENGLISH website has been finalized, with major customization/programming done, including a Project Listing section. All Created/Developed & Designed fully, by Focus One Design ( Actually TWO (2) NEW Websites created; with many hours, heavy programming, customization, design & development. ONE for…
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT – Members & Clients Focus One Design is very Excited to announce an amazing & awesome Collaboration & Management system, which contains many functions and features.. It has been a long-time coming, and is thrilled to finally put it into use… Fully Responsive & Mobile compatible using the latest “state of the art”…
NEW ~ Exciting Travel Website Focus One Design is Very pleased & Excited to announce a brand New, Advanced & Complex Fully Responsive & Mobile Compatible Travel Website for Interline Allstars. Fully Designed, Customized, Developed & programmed by Focus One Design. Many Wonderful features & functions incorporated within > Modern, Completely Up-to-Date using “State of…